Monday, July 14, 2014

Winter Wonderland!

February 9, 2014
It is Tuesday morning and I have just driven in to work. The day before we had yet another snowstorm (and two more are predicted!) and I thought I had a touch of spring fever rumbling within me when I got up… The sun was shining and the sky was blue: spring is surely to be here soon! But God had a surprise waiting for me! As I looked out my window I realized God had his paintbrush out and painted every tree, bush, telephone wire, car and house with a coating of fresh pure white snow. The sun was glistening off of every bough and the blue sky provided a magnificent backdrop. Wow what an awesome God we have to give us such beauty! And as I drove in to work, speeding along on I495 for 10 minutes, it was as if I stepped into a painting! Every tree was magnificent! It was as if God painted the forest just for me to admire! What a way to start my day!

Winter can be a time of darkness for many but God provides some light in the beauty of winter. It is so easy to grumble about the winter snow, ice, and cold. We often forget that as we plow, shovel and sand, there is a beauty to winter… If we could only stop for a moment and gaze into the heart of a single snowflake and see the heart of God. And then see all those snowflakes together painting our landscape we will see the magnificence of our God!
       -God Bless, Holly Clark

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