Tuesday, July 1, 2014

What are You Thankful For?

November 24, 2013

Just before Halloween I entered a store and was immediately bombarded by Christmas carols, Christmas crafts, cards, decorations and there was someone painting snowmen on the outside windows. I was there to buy a birthday gift and was really not ready to begin to think about Christmas. As I wandered the store I got to wondering whatever happened to Thanksgiving?

I have always thought of Thanksgiving as a time to count and reflect upon my blessings and what I am thankful for. I always thought Thanksgiving was a good secular holiday to warm us up for moving into Advent: a time of preparing for our Savior’s arrival. I felt as if our material world was trying to rob us of the Thanksgiving season. While Thanksgiving is not a holy day it is a day when we count our blessings and give thanks to God for all he has given us.

So I ask you to try to not to be overwhelmed by materialism and focus on what you are grateful for this Thanksgiving. As we gather with family and friends let us do some holy remembering and see where God is at work in our lives.
·         Be thankful for loved ones… many are lonely.
·         Be thankful for the roof over your heads… many are homeless.
·         Be thankful for good health… many are suffering.
·         Be thankful for food on the table… many are starving.
·         Be thankful for God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit in your life…
·         Many will never know divine love…

Have a blessed Thanksgiving, Holly Cark

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