Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Put Away the Old Self

July 7, 2013

For a few years now I have been praying with the daily readings and journaling my thoughts into a prayer journal/blog online. As I look back into my journal, I see certain patterns of thought that repeat throughout my life. This particular scripture verse, and similar verses, seem to come to me quite often

 …you should put away the old self of your former way of life,… and be renewed in the spirit of your minds, and put on the new self… Eph 4:22, 23-24

 I have often wrestled with this. I wonder as I enter a new self in Christ how much of my former way of life I should get rid of and what should I keep? It is difficult to look at one’s self in the mirror and try to see what is keeping you back from freely following Jesus and being open to the Spirit. Only through conversation with God will we be able to discover our new and true selves:

Trust in the LORD with all your heart, on your own intelligence rely not. -Proverbs 3:5

 As I reflect on these verses, I realize too that the same thoughts could also be applied to our parishes. As we enter into collaboratives we are constantly looking in the mirror. We ask God what do we need to do and change, as a parish, to be able to become a new self a new parish and collaborative bringing new life into our hearts: We will trust in the LORD!

God bless, Holly Clark

Go and Make Disciples

June 30, 2013

Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing
them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the
Holy Spirit,… Mt 28:19
As we move forward in the pastoral plan, Disciples in Mission
I find this Gospel passage running through my head. Here is a
summary statement about one of our first duties as
Christians: evangelization. About 20 years ago the United
States Conference of Catholic Bishops put together a
document on evangelization called Go and Make Disciples
based on this scripture passage.
The first goal presented in the document is:
To bring about in all Catholics such an enthusiasm for
their faith that, in living their faith in Jesus, they freely
share it with others… ( G&MD # 89)
As I attend Masses at all three locations of our collaborative I
try to sit in varying places (praying I am not “taking”
somebody’s pew!) to get different perspectives on who likes to
sit in the back, or front or middle. I look around me at your
different faces, and wonder what brought you here, today, to
this Mass. And I wonder where your faith journey is bringing
you. As I look into your faces I try to look for the enthusiasm
for the faith. If we are not enthusiastic at Mass then how can
we expect to inspire and evangelize others outside of Mass, in
our homes, workplaces, and wherever we are gathered with
Now that summer is here and busy schedules are easing up let
us take some time and think about how we can find within
ourselves the spirit and fire of Pentecost. Let us rekindle our
inner flame and let us share that enthusiasm with the people
we meet. Let us show our joy in Jesus. Let us start evangelizing
and telling the world the Good News of Christ. – God Bless,
Holly Clark

Sunset Alert

June 23, 2013

In my “previous life” as a medical technologist I worked in a Boston hospital
chemistry lab that was in a glass building. We were on the fourth floor with a
wonderful view of the western sky. As the days grew shorter, and sunset occurred closer to
4:30-5:00 pm, very often someone in the lab would shout out “SUNSET ALERT!” At that point we would all stop working and congregate to the west side of the lab. We’d all make a
special effort and take a few moments to silently admire God’s handiwork. No matter what our differences, faiths, stress levels at the moment, we’d come together for a few
moments of peace, solitude, and camaraderie. These times were very special to me.
I was reminded of those times last week when, on Monday
evening, several of my Facebook friends posted gorgeous
pictures of rainbows from across eastern Massachusetts. All
were seeing different rainbows that day as well as a beautiful,
colorful sunset. People were whipping out their cameras and
cell phones to take pictures not so much for themselves but to
post online and share God’s artistry with others. I mused that
it was an electronic version of the “sunset alerts” I fondly
Rainbows and sunsets are God’s way of slowing us down. He
asks us to slow down… stop every once in a while and admire
his handiwork. He wants us to share his beautiful works with
one another… just as we share the Gospel with one another.
God’s rainbows and sunsets do not just appear for any one
person but for all. So please, the next time you see a beautiful
sky, stop and admire it! Thank God for such beauty and then
share your pictures and admiration with others. God gave
Noah and his passengers the rainbow as a sign of hope… hope
in a new life and new world and I am grateful.
God bless, Holly Clark

Come and rest awhile...

June 16, 2013

"Come away by yourselves to a deserted place
and rest a while." Mark 6:31
This passage always resonates with me as the perfect message
kicking off the summer as we travel to far off places or maybe
just seek solitude in our own backyards. It is a reminder that
we all need to slow down and reflect upon our lives.
I often retreat to the ocean when I feel the need to
find solitude. We all need to find that special place where we
can be alone with our thoughts and invite the Lord to listen
in. I like sitting on the beach, watching the tide go out and
pondering life. The hymn “All That is Hidden” keeps
running through my mind. The tide slowly ebbed away and
revealed the hidden shoreline. Concealed treasures soon
became revealed and life to me suddenly became clear: It is
with time that all things become known.
As we begin to implement the pastoral plan, Disciples
in Mission, there will be many things running through our
minds. We ask ourselves what will our parish look like down
the road? What will our Mass schedule be? Will the changes
overwhelm me? Right now pretend you are sitting on the
beach and watching the tide come in… we are at high tide
now and are about to watch the tide recede to reveal its
treasures. So too with the pastoral plan. It will unfold, like the
tide, to reveal many treasures on the shoreline. But as we
await the tide ebbing and the plan unfolding I invite you to
come in and take a swim! Embrace the sea of change, embrace
the plan!
God is tells us to be patient. He does not want us to
be concerned with all that we don’t know or worrying about
our futures. The Lord knows our future and will take care of
us. When we are uncertain about what lies ahead we can put
our trust in the Lord and know that whatever is invisible to us
now will, in time, be revealed. By worrying about tomorrow
we ruin the today. Life is a journey and we must savor every
bit of it. - God Bless, Holly Clark

A Song in My Head…

June 9, 2013
A Song in My Head… A Song in My Heart…

How often have you had a song floating around in your head that you cannot get rid of? You try humming a different song, or try to think about something else but your mind keeps returning to one song. This happens to me often and I never gave it much thought until I noticed it happening more frequently. I began to think that perhaps the Holy Spirit is speaking to me through music. I began to pay more attention to the lyrics and notes in my head and have realized the Spirit is indeed communicating things I need to hear. For several days I sat with my prayer journal and noted what the tunes were telling me. Praying with music can be a very spiritual and enriching experience. Here is one method of praying with music:


·         Choose a piece of music. It does not need to be a hymn or a particular genre or style.

·         Settle down. Take a few minutes to become comfortable and still your mind Pray to the Holy Spirit. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you pray and to hear what the Lord is saying to you

·         Play the song you have chosen.

·         Pay attention to the feelings and images the songs stir up for you. After the song, reflect on it. Ask: What is this song saying? How does it speak to my life right now? How can I apply its meaning to my life? What might God be saying to me through this song?

·         Thank God for these moments of insights you received. Record your experiences in a prayer journal for future reflection.


As we attend Mass this summer let us sing out with strong voices and pay attention to the Spirit moving within us through song. Don’t just sing the refrains! Sing out with full voice all of the verses—as if you were singing with the angels. God wants to hear you singing and praying to the heavens!

The faith of countless believers has been nourished by melodies flowing from the hearts of other believers,…In song, faith is experienced as vibrant joy, love, and confident expectation of the saving intervention of God.
Letter to Artists #12, Pope John Paul II, 1999

– God Bless, Holly Clark

Pentcost 2013
Catching the Spirit… Catching the Fire!

When I first began this column I titled it “Setting Our Church on Fire” I was inspired by a book on pastoral planning called Dreams and Visions by Bill Huebsch. Huebsch examines the possibilities for our Church if each one of us were to set our hearts aflame with the spirit and then come together to set our Church on Fire with the Holy Spirit. Just imagine the possibilities!

            Today is Pentecost, the day where the disciples, 50 days after Easter, huddled together afraid and feeling alone when the Fire of the Holy Spirit came to them and they “caught” the fire of the Holy Spirit. They caught the Spirit… and look around you today… we ARE the result!

            Today we face another Pentecost. We are in an era of the New Evangelization and we have been tasked with not only to be spreading the Good News to non-believers but also to believers who have lost the fire in their hearts. Today we are like those frightened disciples as we face changing times and new ways of being Church… but opportunities abound! We live in exciting times! This Pentecost let us try to catch the fire of the Spirit and together we will set our parishes and collaboratives on FIRE!

God Bless, Holly Clark