Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Cotton Candy Mountains

November 10, 2013

A couple of weeks ago, after daily Mass at Sts. Martha & Mary, I was pulling out of the parking lot and patiently waiting my turn to enter Rte. 18, when I found myself absorbed in the beauty of the pond and noticed on the horizon of the pond fluffy mountain-shaped clouds. The clouds appeared to be coming up out of the pond like an island would. I thought to myself that the clouds really ed like cotton-candy mountains in the middle of Assawompsett Pond! What an awesome sight to behold! I then asked myself if this is what heaven is like…

 So often we picture our loved ones in heaven with Jesus, in the clouds, with the angels singing. Traditional art always has God up in the clouds… Is this what heaven is like? As I sat there at the end of the Church driveway, I thought of my dear father, beloved grandparents and countless others who have gone before us. I pictured them across the pond residing in the “cotton-candy” mountains overlooking a gorgeous pond. My father, surrounded by my grandparents, were on the horizon waving to me as if to say “we are okay and so are you. We are watching over you and we are proud of the person you have become.” I could see Jesus also there watching over all of us on earth and in heaven.

November is the month where, traditionally in the Church, we remember and honor those who have gone before us into our Father’s arms. This month I encourage you to look for those cotton-candy mountains, or other places where you think you might find your loved ones watching over you. You might be surprised to find that they are everywhere keeping us safe and in their hearts forever.
—God Bless all our departed loved ones, Holly Clark

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