Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Leaping the Mountains & Bounding the Hills

October 20, 2013

Last weekend I had the pleasure of attending the 8:30 am Family Mass at Sacred Heart. Since we changed the Mass times for the Family Mass, combining the former 8 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. Masses the Church has been filled to nearly full capacity. What a nice sight to see! A full Church! This particular Mass seemed to me to be abounding with joy! It was a nice cool Autumn day… the leaves have started to show their colors and as the Church started to fill up with children and their families I could feel the joy in the air! As the opening hymn began with the Children’s Choir leading us I could feel the joy building, the Joy and Love felt in the communal celebration of our faith.

 We were short of Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist that morning, so I popped up to serve. I happened to be serving on the side of the Children’s Choir. The young girl cantor began the Communion Hymn and I was ready to serve. I found myself enveloped in joy, love and hope! As the children in the choir, and in the congregation came up to receive, I found that they do not process in a solemn fashion but rather they come to the table of the Lord, literally, in leaps and bounds! They are leaping the mountains, and bounding the hills in joy. There were some children who were actually skipping in the procession! As I served I thought to myself what a treasure to our faith our children are! After Communion I sat down, filled with hope for the future of our Church. 

This week I challenge to you to look for Jesus in the faces of our children. Try to see the hope and love Jesus offers us through our children. I challenge to you to gaze into the face of a smiling baby and sense the joy of life! God Bless – Holly Clark

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