Monday, July 14, 2014

Beyond Lent, into Holy Week… and Beyond!

April 13, 2014

This Sunday marks the beginning of Holy Week and anticipation of the Lord’s death and resurrection. Jesus triumphantly enters the city of Jerusalem and we are joyous! We have emerged from the desert of Lent! We have spent the last few weeks reflecting upon our lives and how we can better live up to the ideals that Jesus has set forth for us. Did we learn anything about ourselves these past few weeks? What could we have done better? As we prepare this week to remember Jesus’ death and resurrection let us make some “Lenten resolutions” that will last us well beyond Lent:

Give up complaining - focus on gratitude.
Give up pessimism - become an optimist.
Give up harsh judgments - think kindly thoughts.
Give up worry - trust Divine Providence.
Give up discouragement - be full of hope.
Give up bitterness - turn to forgiveness.
Give up hatred - return good for evil.
Give up negativism - be positive.
Give up anger - be more patient.
Give up pettiness - become mature.
Give up gloom - enjoy the beauty all around you.
Give up jealousy - pray for trust.
Give up gossiping - control your tongue.
Give up sin - turn to virtue.
Give up giving up - hang in there!*

We are on a faith journey that does not end at Holy Week. We should always take the time to reflect upon our faith and our lives. God Bless – Holly Clark


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