Monday, July 14, 2014

Sharing Time, Sharing Our Stories, Sharing a Meal

March 29, 2014

Lent is a time for inner prayer and reflection but also for sharing with others. It is a time for sharing our faith with one another, a time for sharing one another’s company. When was the last time you sat down for dinner and not felt rushed to do some chores, help with homework or catch-up on office work? And if you did relax, did you feel guilty for not doing that load of laundry or not returning umpteen phone calls? Dinnertime (suppertime, for you Yankees) is a time for relaxing and sharing with one another.

Not too long ago I was present at a teaching Mass. As I sat and listened to the priest’s presentation at about the Mass I was reminded that the Mass really is like our family dinners. We gather together, share our time, our stories and a meal. At Mass we gather together to pray, share our stories through the Liturgy of the Word. We share a meal through the Liturgy of the Eucharist and then we are dismissed from the table to go about our daily lives with Jesus at our side.

Tonight at dinnertime let us try to relax and truly enjoy one another’s company. Let’s ask the question “how was your day” and then truly listen. Let us invite Jesus into the conversation and ask Him for guidance in our lives. And… before we leave the table… let us remember to thank God for all our blessings and remember those who do not have food to eat or families to share a meal with.
God Bless – Holly Clark

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