Saturday, May 11, 2013

God Bless Moms

Mother's Day 2013

God Bless Moms

Mother’s Day is a day where we honor all mothers, living and deceased. Words cannot often convey how we feel about our mothers. Hallmark comes close, but no card ever says all we wish to say to Mom. So today, hug your Mom and pray with her and you will know words are not necessary. If your  Mom is deceased give her a hug from your heart in your mind and know she is watching over you from above. And then give thanks to God for the gifts mothers bring to our lives and faith!

A Mother's Day Prayer
by Gaynell Bordes Cronin

I love you, Mom. I love your aliveness,
your joy in living, your understanding,
your giving.
And what I love best of all
is that you love me.

God of all Mothers,
thank you for my mom!

—From the book Friend Jesus: Prayers for Children

God Bless all Moms today and always, Holly Clark

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Sharing Lives, Sharing Faith, Sharing Love and Joy!

Sometimes when I sit down to write this column I often wish that paper and ink could come alive! This week I am so filled with joy! I wish that joy could flow from me, to my keyboard and to the ink on this page to leap out to you when you touch the bulletin! Wouldn’t it be wonderful if joy could be transferred that way?

You may be wondering why I am so joyful… The past couple of weeks I have attended four Confirmation Masses, two First Communion Masses and even a brief wedding ceremony. I was honored to be a sponsor for two Confirmation Candidates and sharing in their joy as they received the Sacrament brought me joy also. I got to musing how much joy I receive from working with you in my position, worshipping with you and from sensing your own faith, love and joy. We share our lives and faith with each other and we share our love and joy with one another.

When we come together for the Sacraments whether
it is a Baptism, Wedding, Confirmation, First Communion, etc. Sunday Eucharist, Christ is sharing His joy and love for us. As I attended these Sacramental rites and ceremonies I closed my eyes and felt the love and joy coming from the Confirmandi, the First Communicants, from their proud parents and from Jesus. When we share faith, we share our love, joy and our lives. The next time you are in Mass or witnessing a Rite of Baptism or Matrimony, close your eyes… focus on the sacrament being celebrated and be ready to receive Christ’s peace, love and joy as well as the joy of your fellow worshippers. Share your life, faith, love and joy and slowly we will transform the world!

Joy to you this day… Holly Clark

"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give it to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid. You heard me tell you, 'I am going away and I will come back to you.' If you loved me, you would rejoice that I am going to the Father; for the Father is greater than I." - Jn 14:27-28