Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Tweet, tweet! Chirp, chirp Cock-a-Doodle-Do!

August 18, 2013

On my recent camping trip I spent a great deal of time outdoors, sitting in a lawn chair, reading books and communing with nature. I also spent a lot of time reflecting upon God’s creatures and the awesomeness of the forest that surrounded me. 

One morning I kept hearing a lot of tweets and chirps from the tree above me. As my eyes gazed heavenward I saw the tweeting bird right above me. I sat listening as I would hear him tweet and in the distance I could hear another bird chirping in reply. Tweet, tweet… chirp, chirp went the chorus. As the morning progressed more and more birds joined the chorus of the forest. As I listened I thought to myself what could be more divine at this moment? I thought how could anyone listening to these birds, seeing them through the rusltling trees could not catch a glimpse of God and His divine creativity? So many people today want proof of God’s existance… and here it is! We just have to slow down and open our eyes and ears to the miracles that surround us.

 I am back in my office now typing this out. I hear the whir of the air conditioner, the clicking of fingers hitting a keyboard and phones ringing. I find myself distacted by a rooster crowing outside. I fight to keep my concentration but the rooster keeps singing his song and suddenly I hear God’s voice reminding me that the rooster’s song may not be as pretty as the songbirds of the forest but he is still a part of the chorus and a beloved creature of God. How often do we disregard or judge others who are different, disabled, or not as pretty as a model? The rooster’s song reminds me we are all God’s children and a part of God’s divine chorus. God Bless, Holly Clark

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