Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Shifting Sands

August 25, 2013

 This past weekend I spent some time on Cape Cod at the national Seashore. The National Seashore is, for me, a place where God, Nature and Mankind intersect and communicate with each other. One can see God’s paintbrush and hear his voice here.

 One of my favorite stops has always been the Marconi Station site. This is the site where Marconi, in 1902, sent the first wireless telegraphic message across the Atlantic. The site is also known for its truly awesome scenic views of the ocean and sand dunes—classic Cape scenery. As I approached the site I could tell that something was amiss. Gone was the gazebo and benches and gone was the scenic overlook. It seems that last month the site was demolished as the past winter had eroded the dunes so badly that the gazebo and outcropping were about to fall into the ocean. I tried to salvage for myself the scenery that was left but I was heartbroken.

As I got up to leave I met a family from Canada. It was their first time coming to Marconi and they were so excited to see the landscape and seascape. They shared with me their joy and commented on how lucky I was to live so close to such wonders! I turned back and looked over the new dunes and saw what they saw with fresh eyes—God’s canvas for all to see. The sands have shifted and what was is no more but there are new beauties to discover. God is constantly changing our landscapes and lives. What wonders lie ahead for us? I can’t wait to see!  God Bless, Holly Clark

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