Monday, July 6, 2009


May 3, 2009

Setting Our Church on Fire!

Do you Twitter? Do you know what a "tweet" is? If you have no idea then you are not alone! The other day I received an e-mail with the title "Top Reasons Why Your Pastor Should Twitter." I had heard of Twitter but not used it. It is a service that connects people by asking a single question: "What are you doing?" You answer in 140 characters or less or read other people's answers. As I read the e-mail I thought what pastor has the time to sit at a computer and send random messages out (known as "tweets") about the various things he does in a day… but… today's young adults are very tech savvy. They use the Internet and other technologies extensively. This is where they are and this is where we should greet and welcome them to the path of Christ. The Church has already recognized this. The Vatican is on YouTube, Cardinal Sean Blogs... and just yesterday I was presented with an idea to set up a Facebook account to connect the 12 different Women in God's Spirit groups together. The publication of Benedict XVI's Easter message on the YouTube Web site broke the record with its translation into 27 languages.

I decided to take another look at Twitter. If this is where our young Catholic adults are then we must meet them there and being the tech geek that I am I decided I better learn! I did a search to find what pastors are really saying on Twitter and found a pastor who puts out "Twittergies: A tweet for the soul, personal liturgies in 140 characters or less... Here are a couple for you...

"God your light can swallow darkness whole. My light is a torch, a match, a candle. Your light is the sun. Truth of the universe, shine on us."

"God is good. Sing it dance it. Diggit. Tweet it. Rhyme it repeat it. Believe it. Build on it. My liberty; security. My ontology. God is good."

---See you on Twitter! God Bless, Holly Clark

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