Monday, July 6, 2009


March 8, 2009

Setting Our Church on Fire

Last week, before Ash Wednesday, I was working on the Lenten liturgical schedules and began planning for Triduum. It seemed odd at the time to be thinking about Holy Week before Ash Wednesday and I got to pondering that oftentimes we live life too fast. Sometimes I feel like I am living life in the fast lane and not taking enough time to enjoy life, to realize what is important. It seems as if we are always planning for the next task or event. Have you ever wanted to shout from the rooftops, “Please God, slow me down?” Have you ever felt powerless to slow down the pace of life?

We have many technological tools to help us along in life such as cell phones, answering machines, e-mail, etc. I fear that with all of this technology we are losing ourselves, we are losing our “alone” time. Technology has speeded us up. Remember the days before cell phones, when people had to wait to make and receive calls at home or in the office? Be honest… how many of you are e-mail, text, or cell phone addicts? (I admit I am an e-mail addict.)

I remember once a homily Fr. Daniel Moran gave here at Sacred Heart. He stated that the reason we enjoy vacations so much is that we can get away from all our “stuff” for a brief time! Fr. Moran used to tease me a lot about my dependence on computers. One day I realized he was so very right when he caught me working on two computers simultaneously (… and I still do occasionally!)

Lent is a time to pause and reflect upon one’s daily life. We need to break the cycle of speed. Slow down. We need to fast from all the “fast” our society inspires. This Lent let us try to give up rushing, speeding, multi-tasking and anything that takes our minds away from enjoying the present. Let us try to consciously slow ourselves down and be attentive to the task at hand. Let us relax and allow the Spirit to come into our lives. Let us allow extra time for ourselves for the things that are really important: God, family, friends and ourselves.
God Bless – Holly Clark

Be still, and know that I am God.
Be still, and know that I am.
Be still, and know.
Be still.

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