Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Ode to Joy!

Ode to Joy!

Jesus is risen! Alleliuia! The trees are budding; flowers are blossoming; the sun is shining brightly through my window and I hear a bird chirping nearby! We have left the dark wilderness of Lent behind and discovering new life around us as a joyous spring bursts through our winter doldrums.

I found myself celebrating joy a bit earlier than Easter day this year. As we began our Triduum Celebration I found myself overjoyed at seeing a full Church on Holy Thursday. So many families came to join us as we began our journey with Christ to the cross. At the end of the Mass we processed out into the darkness to walk with Jesus, to stay awake with Him, but our footsteps were guided by luminaries and teens holding lit candles. My spirit soared seeing so many hearts gathering to walk with Jesus and to stay with Him in the Garden.
On Good Friday, our Lord is crucified. A solemn day indeed, but, we already know what happens next. We suffer with Jesus through His passion but unlike the first disciples, who had no concept of life after death, we know Jesus will be resurrected in three days breaking the chains of death.
And Lo! Easter morning arrives! Our Lord is risen and our Church is filled to the rafters! I attended the 11 am Mass at Sacred Heart and felt Christ’s presence in my heart and in the hearts of those around me. I thought back to the thousands of Easter mornings in time past, to all the preceding Catholics who have celebrated Christ’s Resurrection on Easter. Imagine! We are all connected through time and space through the Eucharist! The real presence of Christ! What better ode to joy is there than our resurrected Savior and His Presence with us every day of our lives?

May you all have a blessed Easter Season, Holly Clark

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