Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Human Touch, Human Strength

September 19

Human Touch, Human Strength
Everyone in the crowd sought to touch him because power came forth from him and healed them all.
Luke 6: 19

The Gospels and the Acts of the Apostles are full of imagery of being healed by touch, divine touch. Jesus would lay His hands on a person and they would be healed of physical and emotional pain. Sometimes just the person touching Jesus’ robes would bring about healing through faith and touch. Jesus gave the Apostles the same power after He ascended into Heaven.

Today, each of us carries the Light of Christ within our bodies and souls. Each of us also possesses the power to heal one another and bring strength and hope with the power of touch. We do not have divine powers to perform miracles of healing as dramatic as in scripture but we do each contain an inner “power” which originates with Christ, that we can use to help one another.

When I was a child and undergoing surgical procedures, I remember my parents holding my hand, and I could feel their strength and hope emanating through human touch. I could feel calmness, love and healing through a simple hand-holding. I recently had the opportunity for a role reversal when my dad was in the hospital. He was very ill and I held his hand hoping to give him strength and hope. As he gripped my hand an interesting phenomena happened. I felt his strength and hope pouring through me, as if to say to his little girl, “Everything will be okay. Don’t worry. Don’t be sad.”

Each of us has the power to give hope, strength, healing to one another. The next time you hold someone’s hand or give/receive a hug, close your eyes and hold on to the moment. Try to feel the inner strength of the person you are grasping or holding. Ask yourself if you could offer hope and healing and try to send that energy to the person you are embracing. Imagine what the world would be like if we could share the touch of Jesus with one another, one person at a time. Love would overcome sadness and loneliness and would flow up to the heavens! Hug someone today!God Bless – Holly Clark

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