Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Mission Possible

October 24

Mission Possible
"We're on a mission from God."
Elwood Blues*

What do you think of when you hear the word missionary? Do your thoughts go to poor third world countries where there is much suffering and death? Do you ever think of yourself being able to do missionary work? It might surprise you to know that when you were baptized you were given Christ’s mission to carry on His work… you became a Missionary on the day the water was poured over your head in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit!

What is your mission to be? You do not have to go to a third world country like Mother Teresa, in fact she told people when asked how they could help her in Calcutta she told them “Find your own Calcutta!” We have plenty of missionary work that can be found in our own back yards. We can be missionaries by helping those in need by donating food, clothing, medicines or by visiting the ill and the homebound or perhaps supporting our troops here and abroad. You may say “I do not have time or money to be a missionary…” or “I don’t have what it takes.” Jesus appointed 72 disciples to be missionaries and commanded them to take nothing for the journey, no sandals, no money, no baggage. He told them their needs would be provided for. (c.f. Luke 10:1-9)…Who are we to question? But… if you still do not feel up to the task, you can still PRAY! Pray for all the poor, ill, needy people of the world.

This week, let us pray for the courage and strength to become missionaries following in Christ’s footsteps. Let us allow ourselves to be open to the possibilities that lay before us in our task… Be brave! God will help us on our way and remember we are always “on a mission from God.”

God Bless, Holly Clark

*Quote from The Blues Brothers movie (1980) where Jake and Elwood Blues’ mission from God was to form a blues band to raise money to save the Catholic orphanage that they grew up in.

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