Friday, September 28, 2012

Travelling on the Highway to Heaven

Traveling on the Highway to Heaven

Last week my mom and I took a road trip to Boothbay Harbor Maine for a vacation. The trip from Middleborough to Boothbay is around 4 hours or so though we took our time stopping here and there along the way. During one particular straight stretch of highway my mind started to wander. We were traveling in the center lane of a three-laned highway and  I began to ponder the Trinity- each lane representing one person of the Trinity. I envisioned God, the Father, in the high-speed lane, powerful and mighty; the Holy Spirit in the slow lane, who gently guides us along life’s highways and byways; and Jesus steadfast in the middle lane, never wavering, always steady and nearby. I observed the cars and people around me… some speeding along, some just puttering along and others zipping in and out of all three lanes. Isn’t this just like life with the Holy Trinity? Sometimes we need God the Father for His strength; sometimes we seek the Holy Spirit for guidance; other times we ask Jesus to walk with us; and very often we may find ourselves zipping from lane to lane – from Father to Son to Holy Spirit and back again.

As I traveled my highway towards my vacation time in Boothbay, I gazed off into the horizon. I noticed where the heavenly sky meets our earthly road and I noticed that in the distance that visually all three lanes merged into one. How like the Trinity I mused! Three persons in one God!

While travelling your highway of life try to notice the workings of the Trinity around you. Each person of the Trinity has a specific job to do in your life. Take some time today to get to know them and see where they are working in your life.   God Bless, Holly Clark

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