Monday, January 31, 2011

Just Sing!

Setting Our Hearts Aflame

Just Sing!

Sing, sing a song. Make it simple to last your whole life long
Don't worry that it's not good enough for anyone else to hear…Just sing, sing a song. -The Carpenters

One of God’s gifts to us is the appreciation of music and sound. We listen to the rustling of fall leaves, the gentle surf against the shore, children laughing and playing on a summer’s day. We tune in to radios, IPods, and go to rock concerts and symphonies… and, how many of us sing our favorite songs in the shower or car? How do you feel when you are singing? You are filled with joy!

This past weekend, I looked around the Church during Mass and wondered why very few Catholics sing. Why do we sing everywhere but in Church? Psalm 100 calls us to “come before the LORD with joyful song.” At Communion time we are to proceed to the altar in song, in joyful anticipation of receiving our Lord. But…You will find very few singing.

The very early Church incorporated song into every Mass (Don’t forget the Book of Psalms are in actuality a collection of songs.) As the Church grew, and cathedrals replaced the simple home churches of St. Paul, choirs were formed by religious brothers and very soon the average parishioner became a listener of song rather than a participant. The reforms of Vatican II sought to bring back the participation of church-goers in song. These reforms were put into place 44 years ago. (So why aren’t YOU singing!!!)

This month, when you attend Mass, try singing joyfully to the Lord. Open up those hymnals and truly read and hear the words. Let the lyrics flow into your heart. Start by humming along if you are shy. God will appreciate your voice and your efforts and will reward you with joy. I guarantee it!
God Bless, Holly Clark

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