Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Come and rest awhile...

June 16, 2013

"Come away by yourselves to a deserted place
and rest a while." Mark 6:31
This passage always resonates with me as the perfect message
kicking off the summer as we travel to far off places or maybe
just seek solitude in our own backyards. It is a reminder that
we all need to slow down and reflect upon our lives.
I often retreat to the ocean when I feel the need to
find solitude. We all need to find that special place where we
can be alone with our thoughts and invite the Lord to listen
in. I like sitting on the beach, watching the tide go out and
pondering life. The hymn “All That is Hidden” keeps
running through my mind. The tide slowly ebbed away and
revealed the hidden shoreline. Concealed treasures soon
became revealed and life to me suddenly became clear: It is
with time that all things become known.
As we begin to implement the pastoral plan, Disciples
in Mission, there will be many things running through our
minds. We ask ourselves what will our parish look like down
the road? What will our Mass schedule be? Will the changes
overwhelm me? Right now pretend you are sitting on the
beach and watching the tide come in… we are at high tide
now and are about to watch the tide recede to reveal its
treasures. So too with the pastoral plan. It will unfold, like the
tide, to reveal many treasures on the shoreline. But as we
await the tide ebbing and the plan unfolding I invite you to
come in and take a swim! Embrace the sea of change, embrace
the plan!
God is tells us to be patient. He does not want us to
be concerned with all that we don’t know or worrying about
our futures. The Lord knows our future and will take care of
us. When we are uncertain about what lies ahead we can put
our trust in the Lord and know that whatever is invisible to us
now will, in time, be revealed. By worrying about tomorrow
we ruin the today. Life is a journey and we must savor every
bit of it. - God Bless, Holly Clark

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