Thursday, March 8, 2012

Setting Our Hearts Aflame

Every weekday morning I get up, get dressed and eat breakfast. I start to mentally rev up for the day, sometimes worrying about getting done all I need to do. I get in my car and begin to pull out of my driveway when I am pulled out of my reverie to find the two young boys across the street, waiting for the school bus. Every school day they stand in their driveway and toss me big waves and smiles as I drive by. I do not know them well and they really do not know me but yet they make sure that I am happy as I go off to work. When I see their joy, my to-do lists fade away and I ask God if these kids are His messengers of joy.

I attend three of our Generations of Faith Festivals where children and their families gather to learn about our faith. I am always energized by the joy and energy the children show to me. At one of these recent festivals a young boy with special needs came bounding up to me with a big hello and a huge smile, I had had a rough day but yet his smile and gentleness brought back to me what is truly important in life—to be like Jesus. I look into children’s faces and I see Jesus at work. I look into the faces of adults and find it sad that we do not smile at each other as often as children do. Where did we lose our boundless joy we had as kids? Have you smiled today? Have you smiled at a stranger and made someone’s day? Just think what a smile means to you… and then make an effort to smile at someone else… you never know when Jesus will make you a messenger of His joy and peace through your smile.
God Bless, Holly Clark

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