Thursday, March 8, 2012

Come, Follow Me...

Jesus happens upon a couple of fishermen and says "Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men," whereupon the two men drop their nets, leave their work and families, to follow Jesus. As they travel along, a few more men also drop their nets and work to follow Jesus. When I read this passage I ask myself would I have been able to up and walk away, with nothing for the journey, and follow a man who just happened to pass by me? Would I be able to give up my family and way of life to follow Jesus? What would my family think? As you travel back to the early days of Christianity, imagine yourself as Simon, Andrew and James, in the presence of Jesus. Think of what presence and charisma Jesus must have had in person!
Jesus called upon certain men to be His disciples. He knew they were strong people who could give up their way of life to follow Him into a new way of living. Today Jesus still calls to us to follow Him. He does not ask that we all leave our families take up Holy Orders or the sisterhood but rather He calls upon each of us to live our lives in His footsteps, each according to His gifts. The challenge to each of us today is to discern our gifts, recognize our gifts and then use them as Jesus would like us to.
So… How do you follow Jesus in your lives? Give some thought today to your gifts… be they small or large… and pray that we can be faithful followers of Christ. We do not need to worry that our gifts may be inadequate—Jesus will appreciate them and will guide us on to better lives. Come follow Him…
God Bless, Holly Clark

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