Friday, October 9, 2009

The Teddy Bear

Setting Our Hearts Aflame
The Teddy Bear

Blessed be… the God of all encouragement,who encourages us in our every affliction,so that we may be able to encourage those who are in any affliction with the encouragement with which we ourselves are encouraged by God. 2 Cor 1:3-4

Sometimes we get very caught up in our daily problems and woes and we ask God why now, why us or why me? One day I came across the above passage from Paul’s second letter to the Corinthians. These verses opened my mind to a new way of thinking.

About two years ago I was diagnosed with breast cancer and had begun radiation therapy, a friend of mine left me big teddy bear sitting on my desk. I’ll never forget how much that bear cheered me up. My friend later told me that she had also been diagnosed with breast cancer some years ago and had also received a teddy bear. The next person I know who is diagnosed breast cancer will receive a teddy bear from me! It was through generous persons sharing their “afflictions” with me that helped me get through my illness. They joined me on my journey, giving me encouragement all along the way.

We all have issues in life, some more than others, but we all learn from these struggles and it is what we learn in the journey to resolve our problems that is important. Let us not be shy. When we see someone who is traveling down a path where we have trod, let us help them along and share the journey. Let us resolve to share our lives with others who are struggling with similar issues. Imagine what the world could be like if we all shared our triumphs, our woes and our hearts with one another. God Bless… Holly Clark

P.S. October is Breast Cancer awareness month. Please remember to get those yearly exams… you never know… you might save your life… it did mine.

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