Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Gimme Quiet… Please!

When do you find time to pray? In our busy, busy lives, running here, running there, it is very difficult to find time to pray. We have to be creative and steal precious minutes where ever we can during the day to just be with Jesus or ask God for an intention or ask the Holy Spirit for guidance. I try to fit in prayer in some very unusual places. For example, instead of reading two year old magazines in a doctor’s waiting room, I close my eyes and pray for those around me and if alone I talk to Jesus about my day; at the gas pump I close my eyes, listen to the gentle gurgling of the gasoline while I ask for God’s help to get me through the day; and while I wait for my morning coffee at Dunkie’s I listen to the chatter around me and thank God for the gift of life- (and good coffee!).
But something is amiss--- The other day I sat in my doctor’s office and a humungous flat-screen TV had been installed, blaring some inane talk show. Gone my quiet time to pray. I went to get gas and a recorded voice was yelling at me telling me to buy a Coke with my gasoline. Gone my quiet time. I went to Dunkie’s to get coffee and there is a small closed circuit TV running ad after ad for things we do not need. Gone my quiet time. I ask myself if we really need to be “entertained” all of the time or be bombarded with noise everywhere we go?
Jesus was surrounded by quiet. Gunpowder had not even been invented yet. Jesus taught us how to pray and often went to quiet places to be with His father. Let us start a small rebellion and ask for peace and quiet. Ask the doctor’s office to turn off the TV… ask the gas stations to turn off the ad bombardment…, etc--. in short, ask politely to “gimme back my peace and quiet, please!”
—God Bless, Holly Clark

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