Setting Our Hearts Aflame
Giving Thanks
Every year around
Thanksgiving time I like to reflect on the past year, sometimes even years
back. Last month I celebrated my fifth year of breast cancer survivorship. As I
reflect back to where I was five years ago, before the diagnosis, I was lost
career-wise, questioning my purpose in life… I was clueless. The diagnosis of
cancer threw me into a whirlwind and my life was turned upside down. I turned
to the Holy Trinity and gave each of them a job to do. God’s job was to give me
strength, Jesus was to hold my hand and carry me when necessary, and the Holy
Spirit was to give me wisdom and guidance. With this team in place how could I
despair?My treatment progressed and I found myself growing closer and closer to God. God was with me and one day, while I was in the middle of radiation treatment and working at a church function the Holy Spirit came to me. I was filled with warmth and joy. A voice said to me “You are where you are supposed to be, doing what you are doing.” I suddenly found myself with a purpose in life! I received a calling from God! A few days later I started the process of enrolling into a Masters of Arts in Ministry program to put into action my calling.
This coming May, I will be graduating from that program. I think back to five years ago and realize that cancer came into my life for a reason. And that reason was to bring me closer to God and to bring me to your service. In some very real ways I am thankful to cancer for putting God into my life. I look forward to serving you all in the months and years to come.
God Bless, Holly Clark