And he was transfigured before them; his face shone like the sun and his clothes became white as light.
Mt 17:3
Oh how don’t wish you could climb up a mountain, feel God’s presence and look to the sky and be transfigured by God into the person you were meant to be? Wouldn’t it be joyous? Doesn’t this sound a bit dreamlike and not within the reach of reality? So often in our society we look to instant gratification, joy, communications. Nothing seems to take any time at all. We look to self help books, Google, Facebook, advice from friends in search of instant answers. We don’t want to wait for solutions to our problems and we lose patience with ourselves.
During Lent we are asked to be patient. Answers to our faith longings cannot be instantly obtained as easily we would like (i.e. receiving a text message from God!) Jesus spent 40 days in the desert while His faith was being tested and tempted by Satan. During Lent we are asked to walk with Jesus in the desert. We are asked to reflect upon our lives and examine where Satan is tempting us in our lives. We need to be patient with ourselves and to not expect instant answers to our faith.
Each one of us will walk a different path in the desert. One of us will see nothing but dirt and dust, another will see small signs of life in the cracks and still another will see nothing but joy in the challenge of walking in a desolate landscape. No one will find instant answers to life and after our 40 day journey we may find ourselves with more questions than answers. Our desert journey is just the beginning to our own transfiguration. We are fortunate to have Jesus as our guide and companion. As we travel our road to Easter and the joy of new life, let us remember that our transfiguration will come, in time… be still… and you will someday wake up, look in a mirror and see your face shining like the sun… transfigured in joy and love.
God Bless, Holly Clark
Mt 17:3
Oh how don’t wish you could climb up a mountain, feel God’s presence and look to the sky and be transfigured by God into the person you were meant to be? Wouldn’t it be joyous? Doesn’t this sound a bit dreamlike and not within the reach of reality? So often in our society we look to instant gratification, joy, communications. Nothing seems to take any time at all. We look to self help books, Google, Facebook, advice from friends in search of instant answers. We don’t want to wait for solutions to our problems and we lose patience with ourselves.
During Lent we are asked to be patient. Answers to our faith longings cannot be instantly obtained as easily we would like (i.e. receiving a text message from God!) Jesus spent 40 days in the desert while His faith was being tested and tempted by Satan. During Lent we are asked to walk with Jesus in the desert. We are asked to reflect upon our lives and examine where Satan is tempting us in our lives. We need to be patient with ourselves and to not expect instant answers to our faith.
Each one of us will walk a different path in the desert. One of us will see nothing but dirt and dust, another will see small signs of life in the cracks and still another will see nothing but joy in the challenge of walking in a desolate landscape. No one will find instant answers to life and after our 40 day journey we may find ourselves with more questions than answers. Our desert journey is just the beginning to our own transfiguration. We are fortunate to have Jesus as our guide and companion. As we travel our road to Easter and the joy of new life, let us remember that our transfiguration will come, in time… be still… and you will someday wake up, look in a mirror and see your face shining like the sun… transfigured in joy and love.
God Bless, Holly Clark
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