This Sunday is the first Sunday of Lent. Lent is a time for reflection upon our lives and our relationship with the Father and Son. As we begin Lent I would ask you to take some time to quietly sit and reflect upon your life. Ask yourself what takes up the most time in your lives and what occupies your thoughts. Family, careers, worries? Then ask yourselves where does God fit in… is He even there?
Back in the eighties, with my first career in the medical sciences, I tended to look at life in terms of science. Looking at a flower, I would think of my botany class. Looking at the ocean I’d think of ecosystems. Later when I tried my hand at graphic design I looked at life with the eye of an artist. I saw everything in terms of shapes and colors. Getting a job in graphic design was very difficult and my life seemed to be a bit empty. I started volunteering my graphic design skills here at Sacred Heart and suddenly my life seemed much fuller! I was being exposed to new thoughts and ideas. I started reading Scripture and finally started understanding what our faith is all about. I started looking at my life and the world around me with a new lens. Now as I look around me I still see things in terms of science and art but now I thank God for giving us the beauty of science and nature. I still see life surrounded by color and shapes and I thank God for His paintbrush of Nature.
As I reflect upon my life this Lent, I am finding myself enriched by the Living Word. I try to see the world as Jesus would. I look at seed and think of the Parable of the Sower; at a recent wedding, the miracle at Cana; at a blind man- I think of Jesus’ healings… This Lent break open the Sunday scriptures and see where Scripture fits in your life. Scripture is a living word, a glimpse into God’s world. This Lent, ask Jesus to be your guide to life. Your eyes will be opened and your heart will be filled. As I look around me I see God’s world, God’s handiwork… in the smile of child, in the change of seasons, in the sky, in my family and friends, and in each of you.
God Bless, Holly Clark
Back in the eighties, with my first career in the medical sciences, I tended to look at life in terms of science. Looking at a flower, I would think of my botany class. Looking at the ocean I’d think of ecosystems. Later when I tried my hand at graphic design I looked at life with the eye of an artist. I saw everything in terms of shapes and colors. Getting a job in graphic design was very difficult and my life seemed to be a bit empty. I started volunteering my graphic design skills here at Sacred Heart and suddenly my life seemed much fuller! I was being exposed to new thoughts and ideas. I started reading Scripture and finally started understanding what our faith is all about. I started looking at my life and the world around me with a new lens. Now as I look around me I still see things in terms of science and art but now I thank God for giving us the beauty of science and nature. I still see life surrounded by color and shapes and I thank God for His paintbrush of Nature.
As I reflect upon my life this Lent, I am finding myself enriched by the Living Word. I try to see the world as Jesus would. I look at seed and think of the Parable of the Sower; at a recent wedding, the miracle at Cana; at a blind man- I think of Jesus’ healings… This Lent break open the Sunday scriptures and see where Scripture fits in your life. Scripture is a living word, a glimpse into God’s world. This Lent, ask Jesus to be your guide to life. Your eyes will be opened and your heart will be filled. As I look around me I see God’s world, God’s handiwork… in the smile of child, in the change of seasons, in the sky, in my family and friends, and in each of you.
God Bless, Holly Clark
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