Lent is a time of prayer, fasting, almsgiving and reflection. For prayer we may attend daily Mass more often, add a new prayer discipline, and be more attentive to God’s Word. We fast, usually from some particular food item or perhaps from a bad habit, or from technology (such as texting or FaceBooking). We give special notice to those less fortunate by almsgiving, rice bowl collections etc. Prayer, fasting and almsgiving are the three basics of Lent. But there is also a sense of reflection upon God and self incorporated into Lent.
I want you to go back 2000 years now, into Jesus’ time and world. You are Jesus’ companion in the desert. You see nothing but wilderness and hardship and you know Satan is out there to tempt both you and Jesus. You journey into the desert with Him. As you walk with Him you talk of your lives. Jesus shares with you His strength and love. He reassures you that on the other side of the desert a new life awaits you. But then, suddenly, Satan appears out of nowhere! Satan offers you a worry free life of comfort and ease, you are tempted but Jesus is there and with His help you have the strength to decline… Deeper into your journey you and find yourselves thirsty and hungry. Satan appears again, this time with water and bread. This time, you think a little water and bread won’t hurt and you look for Jesus’ approval. But Jesus tells Satan, “One does not live by bread alone…” (Mt 4:4)… You and Jesus walk on. Satan appears several times in your journey through the desert but together you and Jesus manage to beat back Satan’s temptations. As you come to the end of your journey with Jesus and you begin to see civilization again, you find yourself tired and hungry but yet full of joy. You have been transfigured by the experience! You have found a new love of life and an appreciation for what it means to be hungry and have nothing. You have found strength, love and all you need in Jesus!
As you bring yourself back to the 21st century you may find your journey with Jesus during Lent very similar. You don’t really need to go back 2000 years to journey with Jesus! He is here! He is with you! He is now your companion in your desert wilderness. And He is there to give you strength when Satan tempts you.
This Lent allow yourself to journey into the wilderness. Invite Jesus to come with you. Allow yourselves to experience hardship and temptation. Allow yourselves to be transfigured by the experience. Allow yourselves to be loved and strengthened by the Father, Son and Holy Spirit—they are ready and willing.
God Bless, Holly Clark
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