I hear the rustling of the wind upon the trees,
I am listening…
I hear a car alarm in the distance,
I am listening…
I hear the waves gently lapping the shore,
I am listening…
I hear a crying baby in a pew,
I am listening…
I hear a gentle voice behind me saying “Hello,”
I am listening…
I hear a cell phone ring in the distance,
I am listening…
I hear soft raindrops splash against my windows,
I am listening…
I hear thunder far away…
I am listening…
I hear laughter in the hallway…
I am listening…
I ask the Lord, “I am listening, but what am I hearing?”
The Lord replies, “You are hearing my heartbeat.
You are hearing the heartbeat of God.”
The heartbeat of God is all around us. He can be heard everywhere, in our everyday lives. Have you ever been in a noisy crowd, closed your eyes and just listened quietly for a bit and felt God’s presence? His heartbeat? God is everywhere, speaking to us. We may hear but don’t always listen or perhaps we do not know what we are hearing. This Lent try to take a moment everyday and listen for the heartbeat of God. Listen for Him in Church, in traffic, in the wind and rain, in a crowd and in your family and friends. Be still, know He is there and Listen…
God Bless, Holly Clark