Our nation suffered a terrible blow 10 years ago on this date. The unthinkable occurred. Planes, flown by terrorists, plowed into the Twin Towers, the Pentagon and a field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania killing nearly 3000 people. Where were you on this day? Do you remember what your thoughts and feelings were then? How do you feel today? Are you still angry? Do you blame an entire religion or way of life? Even today, the death toll continues to rise as citizens and first responders perish from “World Trade Center Syndrome.”
How do you feel today? Take some time this week to reflect upon your own feelings and how they are different now and back then and then pray for the victims and their families. If you find yourself still angry ask for Jesus’ help. In today’s Gospel Jesus advises to forgive “seventy times seven.” He asks us to forgive over and over again. If He were here today He would advise us to forgive the hijackers. Anger, hatred, resentment are all nasty emotions that are harmful to the body and soul. Sirach makes this point:
Could anyone nourish anger against another
and expect healing from the LORD? Sir 28:3
Let us pray for the riddance of hatred, the vanishing of religious divisions and ask the Lord for guidance in our efforts to forgive those who have wronged us. Let us pray for a better world. God Bless, Holly Clark
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