Acts 2:1-4
When the time for Pentecost was fulfilled,
they were all in one place together.
And suddenly there came from the sky
a noise like a strong driving wind,
and it filled the entire house in which they were.
Then there appeared to them tongues as of fire,
which parted and came to rest on each one of them.
And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit
I have always found this passage from Acts to be a very prayerful and thought provoking image. Today I’d like for you to travel back two thousand years and put yourself into this reading. Picture yourself gathered with the early disciples of Christ. You may feel saddened and lost, maybe even abandoned by your friend’s death. You wonder where your new found faith will take you, martyrdom and death or to new journeys? Suddenly you feel a strong wind… you know something is in the air… you hear a huge noise coming from the sky but yet you are not frightened. You feel a sudden warmth in your heart and you see tongues of fire hovering over your friends’ heads. You are mesmerized for a moment or two and you know you have touched God for God has filled you with the Holy Spirit!
Our lives are filled with the Holy Spirit. We do not always realize it or understand it but the Holy Spirit is always with us, ready to fill our hearts with God’s love and guidance. We need to slow down our lives and listen for the Wind of the Spirit. This week let us pray with this passage from Acts and ask for the Holy Spirit’s guidance for what may be troubling you. Slow down and feel the Holy Spirit’s “tongue of fire.” Let the fire penetrate your mind and your heart. Let us set our hearts ablaze with the Spirit! Come Holy Spirit, Come and fill us with God’s love.
God Bless, Holly Clark
Amen Brother God Bless You to!!
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ReplyDeleteyou love i like that pray....
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