If one walks during the day, he does not stumble, because he sees the light of this world. But if one walks at night, he stumbles, because the light is not in him. – John 11:9-10 How is your Lent going? Now that we are over half way through, do you find yourself stumbling in the dark or have you found yourself enlightened and walking steadily in Jesus footsteps? I will bet that most of you (and me!) will answer that you are stumbling along. When we first begin our Lenten journey we are filled with hope and determination. We decide what we will “do” for Lent by way of prayer, alms service and sacrifice. Then we get to weeks four and five and we truly feel as if we are stumbling along in the dark. We find we must have that piece of chocolate we gave up for Lent (for me… popcorn!). We promised to pray every day but “forgot” to pray yesterday and the day before. And now we may feel like failures in the eyes of our Lord and give up on ourselves entirely.
Our Lenten journey can be a rough one, but we need to remember, Jesus walked this same journey 2000 years ago. He went into the desert and there Satan tried to make Him stumble. When you feel like you are stumbling, grab Jesus’ hand. He will pull you up. Don’t let go! Let Jesus be your guide. He has walked this journey once and He has walked with you since you were a baby. Let Christ’s light into your heart and He will guide your way and you shall stumble no more. God Bless, Holly Clark
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