Monday, July 6, 2009

The Scraggly Tree

June 28, 2009
Setting Our Hearts Aflame!

The Scraggly Tree

Out of the ground the LORD God made various trees grow that were delightful to look at and good for food, with the tree of life in the middle of the garden and the tree of the knowledge of good and bad. Gen 2:9

Every day, as I go out the door, this one lonely tree attracts my attention. It is the only tree in the middle of the woods that is barren of leaves. It looks so out of place next to the gorgeous green oaks, maples and evergreens. Its branches are far from graceful, each branch sticking out at odd angles, its bark gray and cracking. This tree is far from the trees described in Genesis, but yet it holds a certain charm.I ponder the tree’s life… What did it look like when it was younger? Why are its arms so bent? How did it get this way? I then realized that this tree does, in a way, resemble a tree of life, albeit, towards the end of life.

I am sure many have gazed upon this tree and thought of how it spoils the look of the forest, others see the tree’s uniqueness and yet others may not even notice the tree. Isn’t this also how we see others? Sometimes we dismiss or ignore the not-so-pretty or the elderly. We do not look beyond the surface. We do not see the beauty beneath nor the wisdom waiting to spew forth.

This summer as we travel to the Cape, or other destinations, and you are stuck in traffic, take a good look at the people in the surrounding cars. Pause for a moment and ponder their lives. Notice whether they are joyful or upset and ask God to watch over them.

The next time you see someone on the street or in Church who looks lonely, or as out of place as my scraggly tree, give them a smile or a wave to let them know you care. And when you return home remember this person and say a prayer for them. To paraphrase Joyce Kilmer (Trees):

Bulletins are made by Fools like Me
But only God can make a Tree…

-God Bless, Holly Clark

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